Town of Mono, ON (Don Butt) This month we have a new topic as a result of this months’ meeting of our Community Policing group. We had a potential serious problem brought to our attention by a visitor to our meeting. I had heard rumors of this but nothing concrete. It seems that far to the north (in Mulmur) an owner is proposing to open a huge gravel pit and shipping the gravel south on Airport Road. This would entail putting up to 300 large gravel trucks on Airport Road every day.
Every member of our committee knows that this is the most dangerous road under our jurisdiction and it is only a county road. We sponsor the large sign just north of Airport Road where statistics are posted and if you stop to read this it is serious. The sign has made some difference but our OPP detachment are always concerned about this road.
With its steep hills, curves, and blind corners it is a road to be traveled with caution. 300 trucks a day or even less will make it a danger zone. With the holiday traffic it now receives for southern residents heading for Wasaga Beach, it is already a problem. If this new development comes to pass, we shudder to think of the consequences. Let your local officials know your feelings about this, especially those who live on it or must travel it!
The above being said, it is possible that this situation has been blown out of proportion and the 300 trucks is a myth. But, and this is important, even 100 extra per day can be a problem because drivers don’t drive with care and are always in a great hurry. This attitude is more dangerous than the increase in truck traffic. Let’s hope that a problem can be averted or it will not happen as presented!!
Safety Tip
Stop before the painted crosswalk or path. (this tip comes to you from Doug Annett and the Skid Control School at Oakville, ON
Phone Nos. – (a list of valuable numbers to have)
For all emergencies – 911
To report non emergency incidents or bad drivers 1-800-310-1122
Or by cell phone only *677
Road Watch
Our forms for reporting dangerous and aggressive drivers are now attached to our website.If you prefer a paper form or do not have a computer, our forms are available at Mono Plaza and OPP at Primrose. Please use them, the life you may save could be your own or a loved one. Or use the cell number to call direct – *677.
Don Butt is currently the Public Relations and Media Contact for the Mono Community Policing Committee. If you would like more information on anything covered in Don’s Column or would like to see a topic of public interest or safety covered; post a comment below.
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