Thursday, April 8, 2021

Community Column by Don Butt (April 2021)


Town of Mono (Don Butt) Well, I think Winter is over (I hope) and once again; we change the way we drive and the way we think about driving. No ice and snow and stormy visibility.What a change, but it doesn’t mean driving at ridicules speeds or forgetting the rules of the road! Let’s start with a clean, shiny car (they are much easier for others to see). Unless you are a licensed Mechanic, you should have your car or truck gone over by your mechanic every spring. They will check all your liquid levels as well.

When driving, remember to check your mirrors every few seconds, as you need to be aware of anything developing behind you. Instead of only looking straight ahead, you should be aware of the big picture (vehicles coming from left or right on driveways or cross streets. These may affect what you do next! Do not tailgate, even on dry pavement. It’s asking for trouble one doesn’t need. And keep your speed to or below limit. Speed limits are only a guideline, so you don’t have to maintain it. It depends on conditions; Weather,Traffic, and road conditions.

And as my good friend Doug Annett says, avoid distractions (radios, phones, disc players, checking maps, etc.) Just Drive!! 

When purchasing a new or used vehicle, consider ABS braking. This is a wonderful Safety item, and it really works if used properly. If you put on the brakes and you are still sliding, jam the brakes on hard and hold them there. The ABS brakes will assess the surface and pump the brakes til you stop, many times more per second than you could. I always insist on them when changing cars and it has saved us an accident several times. Doug Annett, president of Safe Roads Canada, swears by them and at his driving school. He can turn them off and on to show students the difference they make.

Safety Tip
Keep a 3 second following distance; increase in adverse conditions. (This tip comes to you from Doug Anette (President of Safe Roads Canada)

Phone Nos. (a list of valuable numbers to have)
For all emergencies – 911
To report non-emergency incidents or bad drivers 1-800-310-1122
Or by cell phone only *677

Road Watch
To report unsafe driving behaviour contact OPP Communications Centre:
*OPP (*677) on your Cell or
1-888-310-1122 on your Landline.

If you prefer a paper form, our forms are available at Mono Plaza and OPP at Primrose. Please use them, the life you may save could be your own or a loved one.

Don Butt is currently the Public Relations and Media Contact for the Mono Community Policing Committee. If you would like more information on anything covered in Don’s Column or would like to see a topic of public interest or safety covered; contact him here.

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