Friday, April 26, 2019

Victims/Survivors Gather For MADD Canada’s Candlelight Vigil and National Conference for Victims of Impaired

Oakville, ON (Madd Canada) In the light of row after row of memorial candles, victims and survivors of impaired driving will gather in Toronto this Saturday for MADD Canada’s Candlelight Vigil of Hope and Remembrance.

The Vigil gives victims and survivors a chance to honour loved ones who have been killed and acknowledge injuries sustained as a result of impaired driving. Photos of victims and survivors are shown, a tribute is read and a candle is lit for each victim and survivor.

Media in the Toronto area are welcome to attend the Candlelight Vigil of Hope and Remembrance (please RSVP).

Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location: BMO Financial Group Institute for Learning, 3550 Pharmacy Ave., Scarborough, ON

The powerful and emotional ceremony is part of MADD Canada’s National Conference for Victims of Impaired Driving, being held April 26-28.

More than 200 victims/survivors will gather for the conference, to share experiences, gain new coping tools and learn that they are not alone in their grief. Keynote addresses and workshop sessions will provide support, hope, fellowship and resources to help deal with the losses and injuries suffered as a result of impaired driving. Topics include: surviving loss, living with injuries, the criminal justice system, victims’ rights and coping with anger. A specialized set of sessions for youth, aged 15 to 24, addresses the challenges and grief faced by young victims and survivors. A traditional Aboriginal prayer circle will be held on Saturday.

“Our conference is a space where victims and survivors can feel safe and free to share their stories of loss and grief, to learn from and support one another and to gain information and resources that will help them on their journeys,” said Steve Sullivan, MADD Canada’s Director of Victim Services. “Nothing can change their losses, their injuries or their grief, but as delegates tell us every year, simply being among other victims and survivors gives them some comfort and strength.”

MADD Canada thanks Impact Auto Auctions, PIA Law, Manitoba Justice, the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Justice and Public Safety, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services for their support of the conference.

With hundreds of Canadians killed and tens of thousands injured in impaired driving crashes every year, the need for support and services for victims and survivors is ongoing. MADD Canada offers: emotional support, guidance through the criminal justice system and support preparing Victim Impact Statements, community referrals, support groups and various tributes and memorials to honour those impacted by impaired driving.

To learn more about the conference, visit:

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