Town of Mono, ON (Don Butt) I think it is a good time to talk about home and auto security. For your car, make sure you lock it. With the new remote keys, if you forget you can still lock it from inside the house. Do not leave items on the seat or on the floor, where they can be seen from outside. Make sure that all windows are all the way closed.
As for your house, there are many things you can do.
Put away all tools and equipment when you are going to be away . Do not plant trees or shrubs so that they hide entrance doors. Visibility is important. If you have a window on the lock side of your door, breaking the window will allow easy access to your house. Replace the glass with unbreakable plastic (available at your hardware store)
When you go out or away for a few days, resist putting on an outside light (this has become such a habit for many years that it is a dead giveaway that no one is home). If you like a light on when you come home in the dark, your electrician should be able to hook up your outside light to a remote control switch so you can turn it on from your car.
One of the most effective devices you can use to scare would-be intruders is a motion light. I have one on my garage that covers my driveways and it has 2 -150 watt bulbs. When these come on, the shock gets rid of anyone trying to sneak in. This I would highly recommend.
Just a last note about our annual bike rodeo. We will be having it but at a different location. This has not been decided yet.
Safety Tip Keep an extra Container of Windshield washer Fluid in the trunk.(This tip comes to you from Doug Annette at Burlington, ON – Road Safety Expert.)
Phone Nos. (a list of valuable numbers to have)
For all emergencies – 911
To report non-emergency incidents or bad drivers 1-800-310-1122
Or by cell phone only *677
Road Watch
To report unsafe driving behaviour contact OPP Communications Centre:
*OPP (*677) on your Cell or
1-888-310-1122 on your Landline.
If you prefer a paper form, our forms are available at Mono Plaza and OPP at Primrose. Please use them, the life you may save could be your own or a loved one.
Don Butt is currently the Public Relations and Media Contact for the Mono Community Policing Committee. If you would like more information on anything covered in Don’s Column or would like to see a topic of public interest or safety covered; contact him here.
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