When you are parked in a long line of cars in a parking lot and you wish to leave, why do people insist on driving behind you? Your car is moving, your backup lights are on, and people still insist on driving through the narrow space behind you. Are they in that much of a rush? People walking do the same thing. Why not wait a few seconds? This really scares me. Do you really want to be stuck to my back bumper, with blood running all over? Please think before acting!!
While we’re talking about cars , let’s run over some of the things you can do to help avoid theft and vandalism. When parking in any built up area at night, try to park in a brightly lit area or where there are many people about. Lock the vehicle and do not leave valuables on the seat or floor where they can be seen easily from outside. Have a alarm system installed if you park outside at night. They are expensive but compared to a $20.000 car(or more), they could be worth it.
It’s early yet but anyone interested in our annual Bike Rodeo should know that we are planning to move to Primrose next year, alongside the OPP station. There is an excellent section of paved roadway belonging to the Town of Mono there that is only used in wintertime, that we have requested the use of. This will mean that we should draw from a different area to the north for participants instead of the present Orangeville area. This has not been confirmed yet.
Safety Tip - Increase following distance in adverse conditions. (This tip comes to you from the Skid Control School at Oakville and Doug Annett (Owner) www.skidcontrolschool.com.)
Phone Nos. (a list of valuable numbers to have)
For all emergencies – 911
To report non-emergency incidents or bad drivers 1-800-310-1122
Or by cell phone only *677
Road Watch
To report unsafe driving behaviour contact OPP Communications Centre:
*OPP (*677) on your Cell or
1-888-310-1122 on your Landline.
If you prefer a paper form, our forms are available at Mono Plaza and OPP at Primrose. Please use them, the life you may save could be your own or a loved one.
Don Butt is currently the Public Relations and Media Contact for the Mono Community Policing Committee. If you would like more information on anything covered in Don’s Column or would like to see a topic of public interest or safety covered; contact him here.
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