Put them on about 300 meters before the turn or more. The idea is to let following drivers know that you intend to turn. This is the proper way to use them. Would you like to go back to the old way of opening your window and making hand signals?
Always wear your seatbelt? If not and you get caught, here is the list of charges:
- Drive with seatbelt (removed,inoperative,modified ) $240.
- Driver fail to properly wear seatbelt $240 (plus 2 demerits)
- Passenger fail to occupy position with seatbelt $240.
- Passenger fail to properly wear seatbelt $240.
- Drive while passenger under 16 fails to (1) occupy position with seatbelt $240. (plus2 demerits) . (2) properly wear seatbelt $240 (2 demerits)
- Drive while child passenger not properly secured $240.
Think you should wear it and be responsible for passengers? Besides the safety factor, wearing it makes sense for any reason!
I noticed this again this week and thought it would bear repeating. If you have a disabled person in your family and they have a special permit which is to be displayed in the car window in which they are riding. This is the important part of the legislation. The permits are issued to a person and not the vehicle so the disabled person must be in the vehicle to make use of the special parking permit.
Safety Tip Steer smoothly and gently for lane changes. A gradual maneuver will reduce the risk of grip loss especially on snow-rutted roads. This tip comes to you from Doug Annett and the Skid Control school at Oakville, ON (www.skidcontrolschool.com)
Phone Nos. (a list of valuable numbers to have)
For all emergencies – 911
To report non-emergency incidents or bad drivers 1-800-310-1122
Or by cell phone only *677
Road Watch
To report unsafe driving behaviour contact OPP Communications Centre:
*OPP (*677) on your Cell or
1-888-310-1122 on your Landline.
If you prefer a paper form, our forms are available at Mono Plaza and OPP at Primrose. Please use them, the life you may save could be your own or a loved one.
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