Monday, October 28, 2013

Hunting Safety

(Primrose, ON) Hunting season is fast upon us and there isn’t a day that goes by without officers from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responding to hunting related calls for service. In many cases, hunters are very cautious and responsible individuals, but there are a few that are giving this sport a bad name and the manner in which they hunt, can only be described as dangerous.

Police officers will often receive calls for people hunting on private property. When investigated, some hunters actually have the expressed permission of the landowner, but there are some who will enter upon a property without permission causing a property owner to call police. The end result could be charges being laid under the Trespass to Property Act or removal from the property with a caution issued for the individual or individuals not to return.

Anyone who discharges a firearm is responsible for any projectile coming from their weapon and they must be sure of their target. Therefore, hunting near or where any homes or roads are located is strongly discouraged. Not only is this unsafe, but it can be dangerous for anyone who may be outside enjoying their property or travelling down the road.

Firearms must be unloaded and safely secured (in a locked cabinet with a lock on the trigger) when not being used and ammunition must also be safely secured and stored. Failing to do is against the law!

When hunting, firearms must always be pointed in a safe direction and hunters should be wearing bright orange clothing that readily identifies themselves to others that might be hunting in the same area. It is also strongly recommended that anyone who may be in an area where hunting is permitted to also wear orange coloured clothing so that they too can be seen.

Hunters need to not only exercise safety when it comes to the handling of their weapons, but if they exercise personal safety and take into account the safety of others, hunting can be an enjoyable past time. When carelessness enters the realm of hunting, people can be needlessly injured and this is something that need not take place.

Please do your part, be responsible and remember to always hunt safely.

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