Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get free AMBER Alerts on your wireless device

(NC) By Cara-Louise Gauthier
You may have heard about AMBER Alerts, but did you know you can get them directly on your mobile phone as a text message?

Wireless AMBER Alerts, an initiative by the RCMP, OPP and Canada’s wireless industry, has taken a proactive stance on protecting children. The program began to ensure that mobile phone users in Canada could receive instant notification of a child abduction, widening the net of information available to the public.

Named after Amber Hagerman, an abducted murder victim, the AMBER Alerts program allows information about an abducted child to be dispersed to the public as quickly as possible. Now, with this wireless extension, the program goes one step further by sending the information directly to your cell phone.

When a child is abducted, everyone in the community feels the loss. The program is available free to cell phone users in all 10 provinces. Subscribing can be done either online at, or by texting the keyword AMBER to 26237 directly from your wireless device.


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